On Wednesday I met with Sue Curland and Peter Cullen. We had sucessfully bid for a TQEF project, targeted towards creating a learning object for some of their courses. This project has been included in the pitch to INN L3 students, who could provide advanced animation in such a learning object. Further we discussed how to pitch the software MAHARA to the TEL team: we had submitted another TQEF bid, related to testing MAHARA for supporting the individualised learning by postgraduate students. Mahara is an open source software, targeted towards enabling PG students to blog, network, and create a portfolio of their research and work. Our TQEF bid has not been funded, but has been viewed as a project which could run, provided we can convince the TEL team about the usefulness of this tool for students. Peter and myself created a one-page summary which we will present at the TEL team, to pitch Mahara at Leeds Met. Mahara is already used by many institutions worldwide, among them by some of our partner universities.
More info about MAHARA is at www.mahara.org/.
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