Thursday, October 30, 2008

Attending a Creative Networks Event

On Thursday evening, an event was held at the Leeds College of Arts and Design, organised by the "Creative Networks" organisation. Facilitator was Steven Smith (Leeds College og Arts and Design) who had also participated in the round table consultation meeting in York 2 weeks ago. There was also Bill Boffin from Yorkshire Forward. Furthermore, from Kooji Creative there were Johnny Gallagher and Katherine Moss (our partners in the "Virtual Runner" project with Prof. Rod King).

The evening program started with 4 pitches: Timande Gustafson (AXIS), Andrew Earnsha (Message4It), Diane Crossley (Peripheral Partners), and David Mawdsley (Mawdsley Williams Furniture). The main talk was given by Gary Townsley, from the Business Outreach and Education Dept. of the IPO: he talked about various issues re. copyrights and trademarks.

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